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The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls in California
I am moving to Ardmore, Oklahoma. I am a majority member and a PWA from CA. I am wanting to know in relation to ardmore where the nearest active rainbow assembly is and how to contact the mother advisor of that assembly. If I cannot contact the mother advisor can you tell me how to contact the Supreme Inspector/Supreme Deputy of the state of OK. Am also asking for the price of what it would cost to replace my majority degree as it was destroyed in a fire and the price of my grand cross of color card. I would also like to know how much it would cost to replace my rainbow bible as it is over 30 yrs old and worn out so I put it in plastic for preservation. I also am in need of replacing my sterling silver bracelet and all of the charms. I know that i can get all of these things on the website. The price i need is for the two cards please.
Hi Vicki,
Here is a link to the Oklahoma Grand Assembly webpage on Assemblies:
There is a link to the Mother Advisor’s email for each assembly.
You can replace your majority card and Grand Cross of Color using a form I will email you privately because it comes from the Supreme Website. You can replace them very easily for a fee of $25 for the Majority Card and $20 for the GCOC card.
Here is a link to the shopping area on the Supreme Website: