By Emalee W., Grand Confidential Observer and Rep. to KS & NB
The office of Grand Confidential Observer is one that has a good share of
everything. We have floor work, ritual work, you know, just like any other office. The
great thing about this office is the things that go on behind the scenes! Both the Grand
Confidential Observer and the Grand Outer Observer work with the Observer helpers,
helping them get their fabric and helping in their practices.
Being a Representative, it is your job to communicate with your jurisdictions and learn about how Rainbow is done there. Without this communication, I would’ve never known the story of the
keeper of the plains in Wichita, Kansas, or that Nebraska is home to 43 lighthouses but
no ocean! How crazy is that! Being a Representative helps not only allowing you to
learn more about Rainbow in different places but also learn about the hidden gems and