By Kirsin M., Grand Musician and Representative to NJ & NY
Hi, California Rainbow! My name is Kirstin M. and I’m your Grand Musician and Representative to New Jersey and New York. I’ve had such an exciting year serving California Rainbow and traveling the country as a Grand Officer. I have made so many unforgettable memories and friendships, and I can’t wait to tell you all about them.
As Grand Musician, I have the fantastic honor of helping select the new Assistant to the Grand Musician. Getting to meet Abby at the first Official Visit has been one of the highlights of this Grand Year. Throughout the year in between events, I make sure to take the time to practice my instrument – that way Grand Assembly runs smoothly. Additionally, the Grand Musician is responsible for setting up and overseeing the Grand Ensemble. This includes helping run/conduct music practices. In addition to being the Grand Musician, my office also includes being a Representative to New Jersey and New York. This includes corresponding with your counterparts, completing a representative report, and traveling to their jurisdictions if you’d like. Outside of these jobs, I am also a part of the Grand Cross of Color team. While the Grand Musician is not always a part of the ceremony, this year I will act as part of the team. Finally, one of the most important jobs for the Grand Musician is playing at Grand Assembly. This year has been absolutely amazing, and I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve California Rainbow.