By Vickie Garcia, State Mother Advisor for Grand Assembly 2023
It is an honor to serve as the State Mother Advisor. Do you know what the responsibilities of the State Mother Advisor are?
Sunday night after appointments the Mother Advisor receives her pass-down items plus items she must carry with her when traveling with the Grand Officers: a backpack filled with emergency supplies, and a binder to carry all the medical release forms for the Grand Officers and Grand adults, just in case.
The night after appointments there is a dinner for the Grand Officers, State Mom and Dad, and the two directors of Grand Officers. This is the first time everyone gets to spend some time together and the bonds begin. At the Installation of Officers, the Mother Advisor attends practice for Grand Installation. She is responsible for laying out the jewels for Grand Installation.
After Grand Assembly, the State Mom and Dad host a dinner with the Jr. PGWA, the new GWA and the State Mom and Dad. This is a great time to get to know each other and start these special friendships.
Now the travel plans begin. The Mother Advisor attends the First and Last OVs and the Grand Worthy Advisor’s reception. She checks in on Saturday the same as the Grand Officers. She can bring her air mattress and sleep over at the hosting Masonic Center. At the First OV everyone is given the dates for their Receptions and the Rainbow Calendars are sold which list all the OVs and Receptions. Eyes can cross just figuring out where to be when. Oh yes, remember to plan to attend at least one out-of-state Grand Assembly. It is a real treat. There is a mid-year retreat for all Grand Officers, State Mom and Dad, the Directors, GEC Treasurer and Recorder, and Mr. and Mrs. Regier. What a great weekend to bond with everyone.
The State Dad and State Mom work closely together to plan our travels and coordinate which events we can cover. We work as a team. We cannot always be everywhere. We coordinate to ensure at least one of us is at an event.
The holiday card all assemblies receive with the Grand Worthy Advisor, State Mom and Dad, and Mrs. Regier is coordinated by the State Mom. Plans are made to coordinate when and where to take the photo. The State Mom handles the printing and mailing of this card to all assemblies, state-level offices, other jurisdictions (including international), and the Supreme Assembly Office.
As the year comes to an end, the Jr. Past State Mom receives another binder with her new responsibilities. The Jr. Past State Mom and Dad host the Mom and Pop breakfast at Grand Assembly. This breakfast is for all the past State Moms and Dads. Another responsibility is to prepare and send the letter to all Mother Advisors, Grand Deputies, Grand adults to arrange with the State Dad a special presentation for the Grand Worthy Advisor and Mrs. Regier. This is the day everyone gets to show their special-themed costumes.
There are many other responsibilities for the State Mom. The best part of being the State Mom is the lifetime friendships made with the Grand Officers, State Dad, and other Grand adults. The special love and bond that grows from these friendships. This appointment is an honor and very special.