By: Carol Luther Hall
It all started in Long Beach at the 1968 Grand Assembly; the 1969 Red, White and Blue Dollies were born!!! Yes, we were appointed 56 years ago!! So, we now celebrate our 55th year of being “Gayle’s Gals”.
The 39th “Peace and Harmony” sessions were held in Fresno from March 29th to April 2nd 1969. All 78 of us wore red organdy formals with white netting under skirts and red taffeta sash cummerbunds tied in the back with a big bow. We had matching pantaloons and wore American Flag necklaces.
We were the last Grand Officers appointed by Mrs. Florence MacDonald, our Supreme Inspector and Supreme Worthy Associate Advisor. She served in Rainbow from 1950-1969. Barbara Campbell became our new Supreme Deputy.
Our Grand service project was the Kelso Village School for special needs children in Fresno County with the goal of mainstreaming them into the unified districts.
We were the first Grand Representatives to carry the flag of our jurisdictions and to march into the Grand Assembly room with flags, this became a permanent occurrence at all California Grand Assemblies.
Even though our lives and events through the years have led us on different paths, we are grateful for the memories and relationships we built together. We have a lasting bond of friendship, love, and devotion to our Rainbow and each other. We still have a group of “Dramatic Dollies” that meet every other month or so for lunch, crafts, swimming, games, baking, and holiday parties. Still having fun together 55 years later!!!