By: Malia C., Chico-Paradise
Chico-Paradise Assembly has done multiple fun things this year. We have had themed meetings, craft nights, and more! Most of the time, there is a theme in our meetings because we are still on Zoom and trying to make it more fun. We ask a question every meeting for attendance and that question usually corresponds to the theme. For example, if the theme was Disney©, the question might be “What is your favorite Disney© movie?”
Chico-Paradise gets to enjoy craft nights as well! There is one every month. These usually correspond with the holiday for that month. For example, in February we made little owls that said “Whooo is your Valentine?” In March, instead of making something for St. Patrick’s Day, we made posters and other decorations to congratulate Bailee during Grand Assembly.
Talking about Grand Assembly, everyone in Chico-Paradise enjoyed Grand Assembly very much. Our Worthy Advisor, Hope R., became Grand Musician and Representative to New Jersey and New York. We gained a member during Initiation, and one of our members reached her majority as well.