By: Kate T., Grand Religion and Representative to AL/GA/NC

I had such a magical time at North Carolina’s Harry Potter® themed Grand Assembly Sessions of “Friendship and Courage,” led by their Grand Worthy Advisor, Summer, and her Grand Officers.
I got to learn about, and witness, many of North Carolina’s unique traditions, including their baby dedication and even got to be a part of my counterpart, Eris’ Representative Report skit! I was able to spend time with many Rainbow girls around the United States, including Kylee, my counterpart from Nevada. Everyone was so sweet and amazed that I came from California!
During majority, I listened to a beautiful rendition of “I Know Why God Made the Rainbow” from a majority Rainbow girl from California. After their new Grand Worthy Advisor, Gracie, and her Grand Officers were installed for the 2019-2020 term of “Grace and Hospitality,” I got to visit some family members, the Waffle House, and the Duke Lemur Center’s gift store!