By: The Girls and Adults of Helen G. McCallum Assembly

October of 2019 was our Halloween in Hawaii Installation of Officers; we had so much fun and installed four girls into new positions. Congratulations!
In November, Brooklyn represented Helen G. McCallum at the Riverside National Cemetery by helping to post flags to honor our Veterans for Veterans Day.
Following our December meeting, we took our annual fun trip to the Mission Inn in downtown Riverside. This is where we ride rides, eat churros, and have some hot chocolate. Mr. and Mrs. Padilla always make sure we get something special to remember the evening, thank you and Merry Christmas!
January is the Last OV and there was a lot to do. We had props to build, ritual to memorize, flag tributes to learn and practices. For most of us, this was our very first ritual Official Visit. We got together with the other assemblies in our district and area to practice. We visited their meetings and filled in whenever we could. We wanted to be ready. The theme was “Journey with the Goddesses of Rainbow”. The day started early, we had to be at Yucaipa High School by seven am to help setup, practice, and be ready. There were a lot of things happening all at once. Our adults said we did an amazing job, some of them cried. It was fun, a lot of hard work, and scary at times because there were over 300 people there.
We were busy in February with dinner servings, meetings, our Installation, a fun trip to Color Me Mine©, and delivering sweet treats to our local firehouse. At Color Me Mine©, we all picked something special to paint, then we walked through the mall for a while. We went back to Mrs. Padilla’s house for snacks and played some games. Riverside Fire Station 3 is always happy to see us when we show up. This time they showed us
their new engine and even extended the ladder. They asked if anyone wanted to go on it; no one did! LOL.
March is always busy for us because this is Grand Assembly prep month. We started out with a dinner serving and two youth presentation events. We were asked to speak about Rainbow to the men of Temescal Palms Lodge in Corona and to our own men at Riverside Lodge. We did the Rainbow Flag Tribute that we did at the OV and Connor spoke about Rainbow. It was after that when the Covid-19 virus shut everything down.
We were sad to learn that Grand Assembly had been postponed. We held our first virtual meeting on the 25th of March. That was different.
In April, we found out the Grand Assembly, parts of it, were going virtual. It was kind of cool. It was nice to see the Grand Officers and watch them showing us stuff. We are still hoping that we will get to go to Grand Assembly, somehow. We have had two more virtual meetings and even a virtual BINGO©. We have sent cards to the Masonic Homes since we couldn’t do our Easter egg project this year.
We are having fun, but sure do miss getting together.