2023 Grand Officer Job Descriptions
California Grand Assembly – Souvenir Edition of the Pot of Gold
Maddison C., GEC, Color Bearer & Representative to CO and NV (Added 3/30/2023)
Sabrina C., GEC, Christian Flag Bearer & Representative to Aruba, FL and TN (Added 3/30/2023)
Jonelle C., Grand Choir Director & Representative to OH and PA (Added 3/30/2023)
2023 Office Description – GEC, Color Bearer & Rep. to CO/NV
By Maddison C., GEC, Color Bearer & Representative to CO/NV
Each part of my office is very special to me and is all equally important.
The first part of my title is Member of the Grand Executive Committee. The Grand Executive Committee basically makes a lot of the rules and decides on very important things. My job as a girl in the GEC is to bring up concerns/ ideas from the girls and advocate for them. Whenever you have an idea or concern a GEC member would be the best place to start.
The next part of my office is Color Bearer. What the Color Bearer does is carry the American Flag. At Grand Assembly, we also have the opportunity to give a tribute. Another very important part of this office is we get the chance to bring in the American Flag at Grand Lodge which is a super big honor. It is basically Grand Assembly for the Masons.
The last but one of the most important parts of my office is I am the Representative to Colorado and Nevada from California. Being a Rep. entails being in contact and even most of the time visiting that rep state. It is a great program that gathers Rainbow Girls not only all over the United States but the world now. Learning and corresponding with other jurisdictions is super important.
Thank you for taking the time to read about my office. It means a lot to me and hopefully, you learned something new.
2023 Office Description – GEC, Christian Flag Bearer & Rep. to Aruba/FL/TN
By Sabrina C., GEC, Christian Flag Bearer & Representative to Aruba, FL and TN
Are you ready to learn about all the wonderful things that you get to do as Member of the Grand Executive Committee, Christian Flag Bearer and Representative to Aruba, Florida, and Tennessee? Well, good cause I’m ready to share with you.
As a member of the GEC, you get to attend meetings in the room where it happens. Although it’s not technically a room and more of a Zoom™ meeting, you get to be a part of the process of making decisions that affect all of California Rainbow.
Being Christian Flag Bearer is a big responsibility, not only do you carry the Christian Flag at Grand Assembly, you also get to write a personal tribute to the flag and what it means to you. I myself am so honored to be able to speak about our flag and how it has made such a huge impact in my life and in the life of others.
Being a Representative in itself is a wonderful opportunity. Not only do you get the chance to talk with girls from other jurisdictions and see what Rainbow looks like outside of California, but you also get to form friendships with girls you would otherwise never meet. If you are able you can even visit these jurisdictions. After you learn all that you can, you get to give a report at Grand Assembly informing everyone of what you learned about your jurisdictions. I think that we’re pretty blessed in our Representative states of Aruba, Florida, and Tennessee. They are the coolest places to visit after all. You will also get the opportunity to honor your Rep. states in the Cavalcade of Flags which I think is pretty cool.
2023 Office Description – Choir Director & Rep. to OH/PA
By Jonelle C., Grand Choir Director & Representative to OH and PA
As my title states, I direct the Grand Choir but what does that really mean? My job began right after Grand Assembly; on my car ride home, I was listening to music of different eras, genres, and tempos and started compiling a list of songs I thought would be fun to have the choir perform at Grand Assembly 2023. A few weeks later Mrs. Allen, the Director of the Music Team, gave me a binder with important dates and information to follow. She also gave me the advice to spend the first portion of the year traveling and being a Representative to Ohio and Pennsylvania, which is exactly what I did. In June, I went to Ohio’s “Where Will Rainbow Take You?” Grand Assembly session virtually but was still as excited as if I was going in person. In July, I went to Pennsylvania’s “Lend A Hand” Grand Assembly Sessions in Altoona, Pennsylvania.
At the end of July, I received a text telling me what the Grand Assembly theme was going to be and let me tell you I was ecstatic. Shortly after hearing the theme I finished my set list and turned it into Mrs. Allen.
In October, I wrote a letter to prospective Grand Choir members and their Mother Advisors. Soon after the letters were sent out, I received a couple of boxes of the Grand Choir Dress Fabric for me to cut up into the correct yardage for each girl. The next thing that I prepared for are the four Grand Choir practices — two in the north and two in the south. It’s at this point that things really start to come together. After the practices leading up to Grand Assembly and practicing my conducting skills, it was finally time for the final practice. This is where all of the girls have their dress checks, receive they’re matching hair bows, and practice the songs one last time. Then, hours later, the first beat of the walk-in song plays and all the effort and hard work all pays off.
Representative Reports – Ohio & Pennsylvania
By: Jonelle C., Grand Choir Director and Representative to Ohio & Pennsylvania
Representative Reports – Aruba, Florida & Tennessee
By: Sabrina C., GEC, Christian Flag Bearer and Representative to Aruba, Florida & Tennessee
Representative Reports – Colorado & Nevada
By: Maddison C., GEC, Color Bearer and Representative to Colorado & Nevada
>2023 Grand Officer Job Descriptions
California Grand Assembly – Souvenir Edition of the Pot of Gold
Emily D., GEC, California Flag Bearer, Circulation Manager & Representative to MI (Added 3/29/2023)
Charley B., Grand Fidelity & Representative to AK and HI (Added 3/29/2023)
Elizabeth W., Grand Drill Leader & Representative to AZ and NM (Added 3/29/2023)
2023 Office Description – GEC, California Flag Bearer, Circulation Manager & Rep. to MI
By Emily D., GEC, California Flag Bearer, Circulation Manager & Representative to MI
Hi, I’m Emily D.! I’m a Member of the Grand Executive Committee, California Flag Bearer, Circulation Manager, and Representative to Michigan. What a mouthful right!? A title this long can get a bit confusing, so let’s break it down.
As a Member of the Grand Executive Committee, I help represent girls in our state when big decisions need to be made.
As California Flag Bearer, I escort and give a tribute about our state’s beautiful flag.
Did you receive your Pot of Gold this year? My job as Circulation Manager is to Wrap, Label, and Bundle all of the copies ordered. Of course, this is done with the help of some friends and Mrs. Fallon, our Business and Circulation Manager.
And as a Representative to Michigan, I correspond with a girl from their Jurisdiction and find out what is happening in their own world of Rainbow, and lots of ways our jurisdictions are both similar and different. Did you know that for Michigan’s Grand Assembly, the Grand officers wear white business suits with skirts during their business sessions? I would definitely stain mine if I wore one. I can’t wait for Grand Assembly, and I hope to see you there!