Representative Reports – Connecticut & Rhode Island
By: Maria A., GEC, Dean of the Grand Cross of Color and Representative to Connecticut & Rhode Island
Representative Reports – South Carolina & Virginia
By: Gwendolyn C., Grand Service and Representative to South Carolina & Virginia
2023 Office Descriptions
Click the button below to view Grand Officer Office Descriptions for 2023!
2023 Grand Officer Job Descriptions
California Grand Assembly – Souvenir Edition of the Pot of Gold
Hope C. Grand Hope & Representative to OR & Brazil (Added 3/24/2023)
Joyce M., Grand Chaplain & Representative to Bolivia (Added 3/24/2023)
Emalee W., Grand Confidential Observer & Representative to KS & NB (Added 3/24/2023)
2023 Office Description – Hope & Rep. to OR/Brazil
By Hope C., Grand Hope and Representative to OR & Brazil
Hi there! My name is Hope C. and I am super excited to tell you a bit about what the office of Grand Hope and Representative to Oregon and Brazil entails. Serving in this position has been one of the most fun experiences of my life, but it also comes with a great deal of responsibility.
I think one part of this office that lots of Rainbow Girls know about is that of opening and closing the Bible during Grand Assembly as well as performing ritual work. At first, this task can feel super daunting because it seems difficult to get the correct timing while on the giant floor at GA. What you realize, though, is that it’s truly an honor and is all about asking our Supreme Being to watch over us while we perform our work.
Along with this, you get to work with the Leadership Team as a Grand Line Officer. This includes recording a video for Beyond the Line, reading girls’ discussion boards posts, facilitating the Grand Assembly Line Office Luncheon, and even selecting a Distinguished Leader for the office of Hope! There are so many wonderful reports so it’s super hard to pick only one girl as the Distinguished Leader but it is so rewarding getting to help celebrate all of her hard work.
This office also includes representing California Rainbow as we correspond with Rainbow Girls in Oregon and Brazil. This part of the office is so much fun and you get to learn more about the amazing Rainbow Girls in both of these jurisdictions. (I even got to travel and attend Oregon’s Grand Assembly as a distinguished guest!) Did you know that Brazil Rainbow has grown by 10.32% this year, making it have the 9th highest growth rate out of all jurisdictions? I think that is so cool! Another fun fact is that instead of being appointed by their Supreme Deputy, Rainbow Girls in Oregon can fill out an application to serve as a Grand Officer and they are then chosen by the incoming GWA!
What I believe to be the most important part of this office is to represent the lectures and meaning of hope to the best of your ability. I personally have thought about the meaning of hope for my entire life but have done so even more since my appointment. Grand Hope should be an embodiment of Hope for all of California Rainbow and its supporters. I like to think about the initiation line “Hope always awaits you” and try to be there for the members of our order in the same way that hope is described in our ritual.
Serving in this position is such an honor and I hope this gives you a better idea of what it is all about!
2023 Office Description – Confidential Observer & Rep. to KS/NB
By Emalee W., Grand Confidential Observer and Rep. to KS & NB
The office of Grand Confidential Observer is one that has a good share of
everything. We have floor work, ritual work, you know, just like any other office. The
great thing about this office is the things that go on behind the scenes! Both the Grand
Confidential Observer and the Grand Outer Observer work with the Observer helpers,
helping them get their fabric and helping in their practices.
Being a Representative, it is your job to communicate with your jurisdictions and learn about how Rainbow is done there. Without this communication, I would’ve never known the story of the
keeper of the plains in Wichita, Kansas, or that Nebraska is home to 43 lighthouses but
no ocean! How crazy is that! Being a Representative helps not only allowing you to
learn more about Rainbow in different places but also learn about the hidden gems and
2023 Office Description – Chaplain & Rep. to Bolivia
By Joyce M., Grand Chaplain and Representative to Bolivia
Hello there California Rainbow! This is your Pioneering Chaplain here and I am so excited to inform you of some of my duties as a child of God. Before we get into it, I just want to say being your Grand Chaplain has been a great honor and privilege. To begin with, everyone knows I pray but do you know what I pray for? You don’t? Well, to start off I pray for blessings for all Rainbow Girls and adults who support our wonderful organization but I also pray for blessings for Masons and all of our other sponsoring orders. Now you may know that I pray during Opening, Closing, and Initiation but there’s more, I also pray during In Memoriam and The Grand Cross of Color. Exciting isn’t it? Another super cool privilege I have is I get called upon throughout the year to pray over everyone attending luncheons, camp, devotionals, retreats, and more.
One of my favorite aspects of being your Grand Chaplain is being the Leader of the “God Squad” which includes Faith, Dean of the Grand Cross of Color, Christian Flag Bearer, and Religion. Members of the “God Squad” will come together and create Devotionals to give to our fellow Grand Officers. I personally love working on Devotionals since it’s a great way of showing others great biblical stories if you want and I always put in my favorite stories and verses. Another duty that I have is to be a Representative to Bolivia! I have learned so many fascinating facts about Bolivia. Some interesting examples are that Bolivia is the only country to have two Capitals; La Paz, where the executive branch and national legislature is at, and Sucre, where the judiciary branch of the government is at. Another cool fact is Bolivia has the world’s largest butterfly sanctuary. Thank you for reading about what it is to be Grand Chaplain and Representative to Bolivia. It has been a great honor to serve in this station, I’ve always held my religion close to my heart and now that I get to pray over California Rainbow throughout this year will always be something that I look back to and treasure.