By: Rhiannon C., Member of the Grand Executive Committee, Color Bearer and Rep. to CO/NV

This is Rhiannon C., Member of the Grand Executive Committee, Color Bearer and Rep. to Colorado and Nevada. Lots of us California girls had a “nifty” time at the “Cruisin’ Through the Fifties With Nevada Rainbow” Grand Sessions back in June 2019. We surely represented California well as a delegation, and showed up with spirit and enthusiasm for Nevada Rainbow! I was invited to be seated in the East with our Supreme Worthy Advisor Joanie Jacka! I also got to sit with other counterparts to Nevada from various jurisdictions, and other members of the Nevada grand family. It was fun to be up in the East and see Nevada Grand Assembly from a new perspective. I also had an amazing view of the guests from California, which resembled a sea of green!
It was a blast to get the chance to attend and speak on behalf of Mrs. Regier and Isabella! I told the Nevada girls all about our Grand Service Project and all about the teams and initiatives that we are working on here in California.
Grand Assembly was held in the same exact place that Supreme Assembly 2020 will be held, so becoming more familiar with the Peppermill Resort and where things are located there in Reno was helpful. One of my favorite parts of Nevada’s Grand Assembly was the assembly entertainment, where each assembly had a chance to display their talents. The girls sung and danced in their special outfits and made us laugh a lot! Other notable aspects of the sessions were the parents ceremony, the glowing alter, Maddie’s Mash House, the lighter side of majority, and the crowning ceremony between the retiring and incoming Grand Worthy Advisor. Speaking of Nevada’s Jr. Past Grand Worthy Advisor , Maddison J., she was appointed to serve another year as Grand Recorder and Representative to California and Florida! It was pretty cool to be down on the floor during announcements when her name was called! She got her very own lemur that I dressed up myself.The stuffed animal lemur went along well with her brand new mascot for Nevada, which ended up being the Marvelously Mischievous Monkeys!
The Monkeys have kept very busy this year preparing for Supreme Assembly this summer. However, they have found time to come and visit us during the year. They brought quite the marvelous and mischievous disposition to a couple of events, Southern Camp in August and more recently, the last Official Visit in January. I was so excited to see them at both of these events. At Southern Camp, some of the members of the Jr. Grand Executive Committee attended with the help of a little Nevada “pixie dust”! They also bid on me in the Grand Officer Auction and got to dress me up for dinner. It was so much fun, and the girls made me very beautiful by filling my eyebrows in with black mascara and letting me wear their special letterman jackets and Crocs. It was hilarious! The Nevada girls surprised me when they came to the Last OV! My mom – Chandra Blasquez, Grand Deputy and Past Grand Officer from Nevada kept this a secret from me until I saw them there. I was so happy, and they also got to sit right behind me during the Official Visit. Savannah L., Nevada’s Grand Worthy Advisor, even joined the Spirit Team and set off a confetti cannon during our presentation! I have had so much fun hanging out with the Nevada girls throughout the year!