Representative Reports – Colorado & Nevada
By: Hazel M., Grand Worthy Associate Advisor, Historian and Representative to Colorado & Nevada
2024 Grand Representative Reports
The TikTok Challenge Starts Now!
Disneyland Takeover 2023!
2023 Disneyland Takeover T-Shirt Ordering
The window for ordering t-shirts has closed.
$67,813.10 Donated to Pawsitive Teams
Over the past fourteen years, California Rainbow Girls (CAIORG) has fundraised and donated over $1,000,000 to non-profit organizations across California. For the 2022-23 year, CAIORG chose Pawsitive Teams as their recipient and announced their donation of $67,813.10 at their convention in this past weekend. Since 1997, Pawsitive Teams has been dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals with special needs by using the skills of highly-trained service and therapy dogs. The donation from CAIORG will be used to sponsor the training of three of these service dogs, named Sydney, Coco, and Bentley.
Be on the look out for more information about the 2024 Grand Service Project, which will be announced in May.
2023 Grand Officer Job Descriptions
California Grand Assembly – Souvenir Edition of the Pot of Gold
Sydney W., Grand Worthy Advisor (Added 4/1/2023)
Bailey S., Grand Worthy Associate Advisor & Historian (Added 4/1/2023)
Zoee S., Grand Editor (Added 4/1/2023)
Carley L., Assistant Grand Editor (Added 4/1/2023)
Maddison R., GEC, Rainbow Flag Bearer & Representative to Canada, NH & VT (Added 4/1/2023)
Vickie Garcia, State Mother Advisor for GA (Added 4/1/2023)
George Whitten, State Rainbow Dad (Added 4/1/2023)
2023 Office Description – Worthy Advisor
By Sydney W., Grand Worthy Advisor
For as long as I can remember, Revelations has always been one of my favorite parts of Grand Assembly. The rush of excitement as name after name gets called, and watching as dreams come true for so many Rainbow Girls. This year was extra special because as the names kept getting called, many of my close friends were getting the opportunity to run down to the floor and meet their Grandie after they were announced. As it crept closer to the end, I was so excited to go and congratulate my friends, but then suddenly my assembly jumped up around me screaming and crying with joy. As my sisters hugged me the realization hit that yes, it was my name that Mrs. Regier just called. As I ran down the stairs the only thing running through my mind other than complete shock was, “How was I going to be the Director’s Page now???”
After saying yes to this opportunity of a lifetime, we then made our way over to the Revelations party in the hotel, which was a total blur. Then I was able to spend a little alone time with my Grandies who helped me feel a little less overwhelmed about the amazing year ahead of me.
The next morning, I attended the Grand Cross of Color Banquet and ceremony, after which I headed back to my hotel room to write my Grand Installation speech and choose the adjective for the mascot! During the afternoon session, thanks to some of my Grandies, I was able to sneak in to watch my grandpa receive his Service to Rainbow Award and also see the total amount that California Rainbow raised for the Fresno Chaffee Zoo. That evening, I went to dinner with the Directors and the new Grand Officers, after which I got to choose the color of the travel shirts we would be wearing over the course of the year.
Grand Installation practice started bright and early the next morning. After practice, the new Grand Officers who would be serving on the Grand Executive Committee got to attend our very first GEC meeting over in the hotel. At 1 o’clock that afternoon we floated onto the Grand Floor for the first time as Grand Officers and were installed as the Pioneering Wolf Pack of 2023! Once Installation was over, I got some delicious Italian food with Katie, her state parents, and my state parents. Then we went back to the hotel where Katie and I had a sleepover so we could bond. The next morning, we had a meeting with all the ladies in charge over breakfast where we also discussed the upcoming year, after which I finally got to head home and sleep in my own bed.
Once I got home, it was time to get started. I not only had to finish my senior year of high school, but in addition, I had to write my first two Pot of Gold Articles and look for potential Grand Service Projects. At the end of April, I drove back down to Fresno with a car full of a couple of Grand Officers and Mrs. Warren for our first Grand Officer retreat! We got to get to know each other better and make some decisions for the rest of our year. Then it was back home to get started on some speeches!
I gave my first official speech as Grand Worthy Advisor at the York Rite Banquet in Visalia. It was super nerve-wracking, but my family, the Sullivans, and Mrs. Regier were all there to have my back. After heading back home, it was time to prepare for the First OV. I worked on my ritual, memorized my speeches, and made the display board for the Grand Service Project.
And just like that, the weekend of the First OV arrived. On Friday night, I graduated high school and the next morning I had to travel all the way to Sacramento (aka 30 minutes from my house) for practice. We went over Opening, Initiation, and Closing and after dinner, I got to reveal the Grand Service Project to the Grand Officers and a few state adults. Then I went back to my house to relax and get some sleep before the OV the next day. It was super weird to watch the girls of my district perform the Official Visit, but it was also super special to be surrounded by my home District for the First OV! And then the time arrived for me to announce the Grand Service Project! I was so nervous, but I managed to channel this nervous energy into pure excitement as I finally got to share with you all what we would be supporting over the course of the next year!
After the craziness of the First OV weekend, I got to travel to beautiful Camp Del Oro for a weekend of fun and relaxation at Northern Rainbow Camp! It was so fun to be able to bond with the girls, jump in the lake with the other Grand Officers, and of course, enjoy some delicious s’mores by the campfire. Up next, I got the opportunity to visit some of our out-of-state sisters at Nevada’s Grand Assembly, which was held on Father’s Day weekend in Reno.
Surprisingly, planning for Grand Assembly begins super early! About a week before I had scheduled to go to look at fabric, I called Mrs. Regier to talk about the Grand Assembly theme. Although we didn’t have the specific verbiage picked out, I decided that our 2023 Grand Assembly sessions would be centered around Broadway and I couldn’t have been more excited! Then I traveled down South to the LA Fabric District to select the fabric for the Grand Officers, Pages, Observer Helpers, Choir, and Grand Deputies! I had so much fun looking at all of the fabric and making the decisions on colors wasn’t super hard since I already had the theme decided. I just knew the dresses were going to be perfect for our Grand Assembly!
Summer travel season continued again as I journeyed down South for my first-ever Southern Rainbow Camp! I had so much fun experiencing all the different things that Camp in the South offers, especially the zipline! Almost a week later I headed up to Yakima, Washington to celebrate Washington Idaho’s Grand Assembly! This was my second time going to their jurisdiction and I had so much fun! At the end of July, I got the opportunity to travel to Oklahoma City to celebrate 100 years of Rainbow at Supreme Assembly. It was so cool to meet Rainbow Girls from all over the world and I also got to carry in the California Flag during the Cavalcade of Flags which was so much fun!
As the summer travel season came to a close, it was officially time for OV season. I wrote and memorized multiple thought speeches and speeches about Pawsitive Teams to share with all of you. Traveling to visit all of you at your Official Visits was one of my favorite parts of this year as I got to see all the wonderful things that make each assembly shine! After the OVs, I wrote lots and lots of thank you notes, wrote notes about the OV itself, and I also recorded and deposited the donations made for the Grand Service Project.
During this time, I got to spend some time with one of our fellow Masonic Youth Orders at Southern California DeMolay’s Conclave. It was the first DeMolay event I had ever attended, and it was also the first time I got to meet with the Masonic Youth Summit. As OV season continued, I made some more decisions for Grand Assembly including selecting the mascot for next year and finally choosing the wording for the Grand Assembly theme!
As the official end of Summer rolled around, it meant that October had finally arrived. This month is a very busy time for GWAs as usually, that is when Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter are held. These speeches are two of the biggest speeches of the year, so it is super important to put a lot of time and effort into writing and memorizing these special speeches. Luckily for me, we had our Mid-Year Grand Officer Retreat at Shaver Lake the weekend before I headed to Grand Lodge which was a wonderful way to relax and celebrate the middle of this wonderful year! Then the time finally arrived for Grand Lodge in San Francisco! It was wonderful to have the Grand Officers there for support, especially when we got to take a super cute picture on one of the iconic cable cars in SF! After I gave my speech at Grand Lodge, I went home to prepare for Grand Chapter. A week later I traveled to Visalia to speak at Grand Chapter! I had so much fun with the members of Eastern Star and it was super cool to see the venue where our Grand Assembly would be held.
After these two very busy weekends, the reception travel season really began. Receptions were some of my favorite events to attend because it was so special to see them shine in their special dresses and how each assembly honored their Grand Officer. Each reception is filled with nothing but love and it is easy to see the impact these pioneering ladies have made on the girls and adults of California Rainbow. In addition to Receptions, November also brought two Grand Cross of Color ceremonies in the North and South and I also had the opportunity to speak to the Northern California Jurisdiction of DeMolay at their Convention.
In addition to all of these super fun events and speaking engagements, I also have a few other responsibilities as GWA. I get to write articles for our fabulous Pot of Gold, attend the meetings of the Grand Executive Committee both in-person and monthly on Zoom, and also continue to work on my ritual, including Grand Installation, throughout the entire year with my ritual coach.
As the New Year began, OV season officially came to a close as the Last OV occurred in Mrs. Dole’s Area! It was a wonderful way to end the Official Visits of the year, especially because being in Orange County meant I was right by Disneyland! The Grand Officers had practice on Saturday, and then on Sunday we got to attend the OV! I wrote two new speeches for this event and we got to hear even more about Pawsitive Teams from a representative who came to speak to us. We also got to find out who would be serving as Grand Marshals and Grand Pages, which also meant I got to announce who my Page would be!
Time flew by as Reception season continued and before I knew it, my Reception weekend had finally arrived! Saturday brought more practice for the Grand Officers to prepare for Grand Assembly, and I also got to finally reveal the dresses we would be wearing for Grand Assembly! Seeing their reactions and finally not having to keep it a secret from them anymore was truly a highlight of the weekend! Then I went back home to get some sleep before my reception the next day! It was so special to see all the hard work my assembly put into making my reception day all that I dreamed of and more!
After my Reception was over, it was time to put the pedal to the metal and work on all the details left to make Grand Assembly unforgettable! I spent a few days at Mrs. Warren’s house for “Warren Week” where I typed up the script for Grand Assembly, worked on escort sayings, and worked on many other little details. I also wrote my GWA travel report and worked with Mrs. Regier on selecting the OV Awards to honor all the work each District put into their OV.
Now the time has finally come for our Broadway Bound: A Glittering Marquee in 2023 Grand Assembly sessions! Can you believe the year flew by so fast?!? As the Grand Officers arrived, we had many many “rehearsals” to make sure everything was perfect for Opening Night! After four fabulous acts, sorry I mean days of sessions, the Pioneering Wolf Pack took our final bow and welcomed the new 2024 Grand Officers into the spotlight! Over the next year, I will still have responsibilities like cheering on and being a support for my Grandie, speak at Grand Bethel, and I will also get to tell some super funny jokes with Katie at Grand Assembly 2024!
Thank you, California Rainbow, for making this pioneering year so amazing! I am so very grateful for the love and support you have shown to both me and the rest of the Wolf Pack this year. Serving you as Grand Worthy Advisor has been one of the greatest joys of my life, and I am so happy that through my travels, I got to meet and interact with so many of you. I know that the future of our organization is in great hands, and I am so excited to see what amazing things are in store!
2023 Office Description – Worthy Associate Advisor & Historian
By Bailey S., Grand Worthy Associate Advisor & Historian
Hi California Rainbow! My name is Bailey S. and I am the Grand Worthy Associate Advisor and Historian for 2023. Never in my wildest dreams did I think my name would be called during revelations. I remember hearing my name and being escorted onto the Grand Floor. I was in shock and so excited! All I knew in that moment was that I was so excited to start this historic, Minnie Mouse-filled journey! This journey included many responsibilities as Grand Worthy Associate Advisor and Historian for the Pioneering Wolf Pack.
My first responsibility was to create around thirty song books. These books were to be used by the Grand Officers during Escort. With the help of my fellow Grand Officers, Directors, and my mom, I was able to create songs that would be sung for the Grand Worthy Advisor, Past Grand Officers, the Supreme Inspector, and so many more. I was so happy to hear the songs being sung at the first OV for the first time! I even received a whistle as a gift from my wonderful grandie, Megan at the first OV Now I am able to start off each song at all the events. I really enjoyed putting together the song book for this pioneering year!
For my next responsibility, I memorized all of the Worthy Associate Advisors’ ritual work. This included opening, closing, and Initiation. I was tested on my ability to memorize all of this as well as the role I have in the Grand Cross of Color Ceremony. I had the honor to be the Sister of Victory and be able to recite the Sister of Victory’s lecture at the Northern Grand Cross of Color Ceremony.
Throughout the year, the GWAA serves on the Public Relations (PR) Team. The PR Team meets twice a month and at these meetings, we discuss upcoming projects, designs, and for this year specifically, podcast topics. I was able to participate in projects and help brainstorm ideas. This team was a supportive community with an amazing board and members.
Another responsibility I have is planning the presentation at Grand Assembly to Sydney, our Grand Worthy Advisor. I get to choose a special song that represents Sydney and coordinate a formation with my fellow Grand Officers.
As GWAA, I got the opportunity to help the leadership team plan the line officer luncheon for Grand Assembly. This responsibility involves coming up with fun activities and getting to meet all of the assembly’s Worthy Associate Advisors. I also had the responsibility of working with them with their Beyond the Line leadership program. Every term, all the Worthy Associate Advisors submit a term report for a chance to be considered for a Distinguished Leader award.
As Historian, I am in charge of sending out the Historian’s Report to the Mother Advisors and Historians of each assembly. Then I collect all the pictures from these dino-rific historians and assemble them into the California Rainbow 2022-2023 yearbook.
Being Historian includes taking hundreds of pictures throughout this pioneering, grand year. I take pictures at every event I attend. These events include O.Vs, receptions, retreats, and so much more! I am also in charge of putting together a video presentation for the VIP dinner at Grand Assembly. This presentation allows me to showcase all the wonderful memories we were able to capture this year.
I have had an amazing time serving as your Grand Worthy Associate Advisor and Historian this year! I am truly thankful for all the opportunities I have been able to have through this office. No words could express how happy I am to be able to share some of my experiences and responsibilities with you all. It is with all my dino-mite minnie love that I am able to spend this year with you all this pioneering year!
2023 Office Description – Editor
By Zoee S., Grand Editor
Breaking news! Breaking news! SupermanTM was spotted in California! What is he here for? You may never know unless you keep reading! The following is an interview we had with SupermanM:
“Why am I here? That’s simple, I came to check on Zoee, the Grand Editor of California for the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.”
“What’s a Grand Editor and what do they do? Well, let me explain what she told me about her job.”
She works at a place she calls the Warney household where she makes the Pot of Gold (POG), a newspaper for CAIORG with the Assistant Grand Editor. She’s just like m— I mean Clark Kent. She told me that Mrs. Warney is the advisor of the POG, and is super helpful with answering any and all questions you might have about the paper. The first thing they do is set up their computers. That’s right both Editors have their own computers at the Warney’s house for just working on the POG. She told me when they first start out they have the Jr. Past Grand Editor help them make mastheads. Mastheads are the big main titles that stretch across the page, dedicated to each area. She told me that the mastheads are designed by the girls of each area at the Pot Of Gold Luncheon at Grand Assembly and then they make them come to life on the computer using the programs Photoshop© and Indesign©. Oh, I completely forgot to explain, Indesign© is the program she said they use to make the POG. As Grand Editor she gets to make the main masthead for the paper too! That sounds pretty cool!
Now over the next months, she and her partner come back for several weekends to work on the paper. The paper includes assembly articles from all over the state. Each assembly has its article placed in its area. She told me they also have to put in pictures too! But they have to make them black and white using photoshop. Before this all happens though they make an overview of the newspaper they call the “bible”. No, it’s not the actual bible, she said they just call it that. The bible is a paper-made book to outline the POG. They basically use it as an outline to figure out how many pages the newspaper is going to be and which articles go where. She said they split up the work to get the paper done faster and make sure to help each other when stuck. She also told me in the paper to spice it up a bit they add some graphics in the background. All of which are carefully chosen. When they think the paper is done the Editor, Assistant Editor and Mrs. Warney all sit together and go down the articles one by one editing them. Then they look at the overall paper. “Does the spacing look nice, do we need to add something more, etc…” When the paper is finalized and done they send it off to the printer to print where it is then in the hands of the Grand Circulation Manager. All of this sounds like a lot of work. She’s definitely cut out to be a superhero. Anyways she also said that she has other jobs as the Grand Editor other than the paper! Wow, talk about a lot of work! She told me she has to make flyers to send out to the Mother Advisors to remind them of the POG deadlines so their assembly article can be in the paper! She also handles some communications when needed, like emailing people about deadlines and if anything went wrong with articles. Another thing she does is design buttons to give to the POG reporters at Grand Assembly, so they can let everyone know they were a POG reporter! In every paper, she also has to write an article called an “Editorial”. It’s about anything she wants it to be about! The very last project she and her partner works on is the Souvenir Edition which is a special edition of the POG for Grand Assembly!
Oh no! Is that a cry for help!? I’m sorry I need to cut this interview short, someone needs my help!” “Thank you for the interview, SupermanTM. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.”